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  • Pure Hormone Balance Pack
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Pure Hormone Balance Pack



Endocrine disruptors can also be found in personal clothing, bed linen, towels, and various accessories (backpacks, suitcases, kitchen towels...). Their effect can be devastating; but thanks to this training you will find the alternatives to each of the products you need.

45 Lessons - Intermediate

Pure Hormone Balance Pack



Hazardous chemicals abound in the different materials and complements found in the home, from the furniture itself to the products used to paint and varnish walls, floors...
In this course you will learn which are those toxics that the vast majority of companies use in their products, and how they are destroying your hormonal balance (thus affecting you mentally, emotionally and physically).
Of course, you will also learn about the best alternatives on the market to create a wonderful home free of these dangerous substances.

22 Lessons - Intermediate

Pure Hormone Balance Pack



Recovering both physical and mental-emotional health sometimes does not require do add or do fancy things, but just eliminating the hormone disrupting toxics around us.
This course will allow you to learn the scientifically proven effects of the multiple hazardous substances in everyday items; and even more importantly, we are going to provide you alternatives for each of the toxic containing products.
Let´s get started!

96 Lessons - Intermediate




A course with tips like you won't find anywhere else. At the same time, it is about tricks to improve your emotional state that you can apply quickly, effectively and without the need for knowledge of psychology, coaching...

24 Lessons - Easy